Happy 14th Birthday, KT!
Happy 14th Birthday, KT!

Welcome to your website! This tiny sliver of the world wide web is yours to play with for the next ten years. Ten years ago, you were four and making art. What will you be making at 24? How will your work change? How will this site change? How will the world change?

We can't wait to find out! We love the things you make, and, most importantly, we love the maker. (She's super cool.)

[Insert three heart emojis]
Mom and Dad

Welcome to your website! This tiny sliver of the world wide web is yours to play with for the next ten years. Ten years ago, you were four and making art. What will you be making at 24? How will your work change? How will this site change? How will the world change? 

We can't wait to find out! We love the things you make, and, most importantly, we love the maker. (She's super cool.)

[Insert three heart emojis]
Mom and Dad